Culturelab With Aga Bajer

Minda Harts - Expanding the Table: Cultivating True Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion



More people than we think feel like they don’t belong at work. This leads to a range of concerning consequences, such as disengagement, diminished productivity, and a stifling of individual creativity. While the importance of DEI has gained widespread recognition in the past few years, we still have a ton of work to do to foster a truly inclusive and equitable environment at work. This is what this conversation today revolves around. My guest is Minda Harts, the author of three best-selling books and a global expert on all things DEI. Tune into this episode of the CultureLab podcast where we delve into actionable measures that organizations can implement to cultivate diversity, equity, and inclusion. To join CultureBrained® go to To learn more about our accreditation program, go to To access our free resources and materials on cultivating thriving cultures, click here: Interview with Ruhuni Anand on the CultureLab