The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

763: Diane Blazek on New Plant Evaluations



763: Diane Blazek on New Plant EvaluationsOrganizing trials of new plant varieties with professional judges throughout North AmericaIn This Podcast: We are introduced to the organization behind the AAS logo found on seed packages and seed catalogs everywhere. Diane Blazek explains how different plants and plant breeders get recognized as standout winners amongst their peers and earn this logo through All American Selections' annual plant trials. Diane is the Executive Director of All-America Selections and National Garden Bureau, she has been deeply (and happily!) immersed in gardening from an early age. From growing up on a small family farm in Missouri to her small suburban lot in the Chicago-land area, she is passionate about everything green. After spending 15 years with Ball Publishing, Diane moved to take on her current role where she can be even closer to the end consumer. Both All-America Selections and National Garden Bureau are in an exciting period of growth and influence both inside and out