The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

762: Denali Canning on The Future of Home Preservation



762: Denali Canning on The Future of Home PreservationBuilding a path to better food preservation and homesteading.In This Podcast: Two friends Prince Singh and Trent Pezzao share their journey of bringing a small business with Big community goals to life! As the founders of Denali Canning they have focused on building a relationship with their home preservation customers, and have really enjoyed the results. They have got a great energy, and a great story.  Prince is the visionary co-founder of Denali Canning, on a mission to ignite your love for preserving and making the best food for your families! With a deep commitment to fostering a thriving community, connecting with influential minds, and curating top-tier products. Trent, is the co-founder of Denali Canning, and a kind of homesteading superhero—working mostly behind the scenes—he's always pushing for products that hit the sweet spot between practicality, quality, and good old-fashioned fun. Trent's mission is to bring a sprinkle of joy to