Poetry Dose

Teacher Teacher back to school special



Tina Cane on the creation of "Teacher, Teacher" I was commissioned by The Total Teacher Project at Bryant University to write an ode to teachers for their annual conference in August. While I loved the idea of celebrating teachers in a poem, I wasn't too keen on writing such a poem. Since I am a teacher myself. it seemed disingenuous to make the attempt. I do, however, have access to children through my program, Writers-in-the-Schools, RI and through the school that my children attend in East Providence. I chose to approach the teachers at our neighborhood school, Myron J. Francis Elementary. I gave a brief primer on odes and invited interested teachers to have their students write odes as a classroom or extra credit activity. In June, i received about a hundred odes and, during July, I read them all, pulling a line, word or phrase from each--it was important that every student be represented, even if they were to remain anonymous. Finally, I read the phrases I had collected, settled on a r