Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

You Are Allowed to Lose Weight



Do you feel like you’re allowed to lose weight?Not too long ago, I started noticing that there’s a lot of messaging surfacing online telling women that it’s not okay to lose weight. Women (especially celebrities) who lose weight come under a huge amount of fire and are shamed by other women for their decisions. Don’t women face enough shame already without us adding this to their plates?Here’s the thing. I think it often starts with good intentions from women who have had negative experiences with weight loss and don’t want anyone else to go through it. The problem is, it goes too far when we try to tell other adult women how to live their lives. Only you know what’s best for you, and guess what? If weight loss is part of what’s best for you, that’s okay! If you’re worried about how other people will react to your weight loss, use this episode to help you navigate those conversations. Topics covered in this episode include:How to support women without contributing to shameful messagesWhy you’re allowed to los