Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep033



Episode 33: "It's Halloween For The Ego!" At least that's the topic of Gary and Gene's first conference call, scheduled for just a few days after this podcast episode will be released. We have some discussion about that, some brief mention of Gary's current schedule (including his upcoming return trip Down Under), and there's also some discussion about Love Has Forgotten No One. Then, we move right into Questions for Gary! First up is a question regarding the forgiveness thought processes Gary describes in his books - and will there be a new one included in LHFNO. Next question asks about other authors who claim to be channeling God or Jesus; if their message is not the truth as the Course presents it, then who or what are they channeling? Next question asks about sayings from Pursah's Gospel of Thomas; and then, a question about Jesus' other possible lifetimes. Our last question asks about people who commit suicide; is the script written for them, as well? The answer involves multiple dimensions of