Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

Barbie, T-Swift and the Fed?



Barbie and Taylor Swift are just about everywhere right now, they even got a mention at the Fed’s news conference today. Seriously! We’ll explain what these pop culture icons have to do with the today’s interest rate hike. Plus, how leaning on algorithms and AI for bureaucratic work could come with real costs for consumers. And, candid thoughts about climate change. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Cigna accused of using an algorithm to automatically reject patient claims” from CBS News “How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them” from ProPublica “G.M. and Other Automakers Will Build 30,000 Electric Vehicle Chargers” from The New York Times “MIT’s ‘PhotoGuard’ protects your images from malicious AI edits” from Engadget “Powell Speaks on Fed Rate Hike” from The New York Times Got a question about resuming student loan