Where Did The Road Go?

Exploring the World of the Ungooglable - August 19, 2023



Seriah is joined by Michael Angelo and Natalie. Topics include google and “ungoogability”, linguistics, film-making and acting, Julian Jaynes’s “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”, a strange series of emails, a vision while ingesting a jungle plant, synchronicities with lemurs, dream entities, Terence McKenna, 9/11 experiences, experiences with an Alzheimer’s affected relative, a lengthy road trip, synchronicities with snails, pandemic experiences, two years living in the jungle in an artists’ commune, an encounter with a flesh-eating parasite, psychedelics, a strange jungle creature, a weird experience with a stray cat, telling the stories of liminal spaces, a bizarre encounter with a shaman and a tarantula, a fascinating LSD trip, poetry, an experience with a rooster and a shaman, healing, hallucinogens, vegetable reality, a experience with belladonna tea, a group mental time-slip, a childhood accidental belladonna trip, fever dreams and childhood visions, Jill Bolte Taylor,