Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

The Shame of Gaining Weight Back



Why do we feel shame so heavily around gaining weight back after losing some?There is an explanation for this when we think about the messages we receive about weight throughout our lives, but those external messages don’t actually mean anything about your worth at all. I’m making it my mission to release you of the shame surrounding weight gain. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m unpacking how to separate your body from your self-worth. I really think it’s time we stopped shaming ourselves for gaining weight back and started working on our self-love, self-compassion, and self-worth at any weight. Topics covered in this episode include:Why gaining weight back makes us feel shame How to get out of your own head Reaching a healthy mindset to lose weight from Separating your self-worth from your body It’s easier to love yourself when you’ve reached your goal and you’re maintaining the weight you want; it’s harder to love yourself when you’re not. That’s the work we need to do, and it starts