Grace Church

An Introduction to Mark | Gospel of Mark: A Brand New Start | Week 1



The Value of Teaching Through a Book of the Bible  It teaches us how to read the Bible.   It forces us to talk about things we would rather skip over.    Why are we studying Mark right now?   Mark was the first gospel written  Mark is the shortest and most straightforward gospel  Grace’s focus on discipleship.  We’re going to ask and answer the questions through this series:  Who is Jesus, why is he worth following, and how do we do it?    Insights into the life of Mark   Mark’s boyhood home may have been a home base for the Jesus movement (Acts 12:12)  Mark was a ministry assistant to Paul and Barnabas (Acts 12:25; 13:4, 13)   Mark was a companion of Peter (1 Peter 5:13)   Why did Mark write this gospel?  Mark should be read as a pastoral response to difficult times.   4 reasons you should be excited to study Mark (Plus major themes of the book)   You are ready to investigate who Jesus really is | THEME 1: SON OF GOD / SON OF MAN  You sense there are supernatural forces at work | THEME 2: COSMIC CONFLICT  Y