Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Inconsistencies and double-standards from Government are galling



It’s hard not to feel sorry for Northland this morning, and the Waikato for that matter.  I mean Waikato has two cases and they’re staying in Level 3, which seems over the top.  And as for Northland, they’re only staying in Level 3 because the absconders won’t help Police with their enquires; won’t fess up any locations of interest, won’t be honest.  I mean how is it a whole hard-working, law-abiding population of people in the North are being held to ransom by two losers?   Zero cases in Northland, and 2 household contacts in Waikato and boom, they stay in level 3.  Vaxathon this weekend anyone? Is it too cynical to suggest keeping the fear button firmly pressed will help push jab rates up this weekend?  Don’t you think it’s interesting that for a government that can’t set targets, they can suddenly set one when it involves a few TV cameras and fun day out with celebrities and influencers and sports people? They can put a number on their cheesy Vaxathon, but not when it doesn’t involve some primetime PR oppo