Where Did The Road Go?

Wandering the Road with Josh, Chris, Saxon, and Michael - Aug 26, 2023



Seriah is joined by Michael Angelo, Chris Ernst, Joshua Cutchin, and Saxon/Super Inframan for a fascinating roundtable. Topics include human memory, past lives, ayahuasca, Indigenous Australians and dreams, a Malaysian tribe and dream experiences, art and the unconscious, places experienced only in dreams, a memorable experience in New Zealand, Eric Wargo, major and minor dreams, feedback loops, increasing speeds of communication, Terence McKenna, time wave zero, novelty and information, dueling Terence McKenna impersonations (no, really), city vs. country environments, West Virginia cryptids, Appalachian high strangeness, entanglement with media and mass information, a survey of plants and animals in Japan, long-time traditions, Djinn vs. electronics, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Ernesto de Martino, magic and magic-accepting cultures, Rupert Sheldrake, experiences in the Mexican jungle, naming creatures, modern medicine and its outliers, language and its purposes, different languages and personalities, Adriano Cel