About Ibd

Managing IBD Diet and Lifestyle With Clemmie Oliver



Diet does matter in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Not only in how it affects the digestive system, but also in overall health. Adults with IBD have greater incidences of heart disease, lung disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, liver disease, and ulcers than do people without IBD.   For those reasons and more: thinking about diet and how it affects all these other body systems, as well as the IBD, is important.   To discuss how diet relates to IBD, Amber talks to Clemmie Oliver, IBD Specialist Registered Associate Nutritionist and Nutritional Therapist (MSc, ANutr, Dip ION, mBANT, CNHC). Clemmie shares her personal journey of living with ulcerative colitis from the age of 9, undergoing surgery, and ultimately receiving a j-pouch.   She covers the impact of her condition on her family, particularly her parents and siblings. Clemmie also emphasizes the importance of nutrition in maintaining health and how dietary choices can influence j-pouch function. She provides practical advice for navig