Simple Pin Podcast: Simple Ways To Boost Your Business Using Pinterest

349 What does success look like with Pinterest Ads?



Pinterest ads feel like a mystery to most people who haven’t run them before. So it’s natural to wonder if it’s even worth it and if people are finding success. We will dive in with our Pinterest Ads director today on a few recent success stories and some tips for how to replicate this success for your own business. Since we’re covering Pinterest ads today I want to let you know our team now has a few openings for ads management and consult clients. The Simple PIn team has been running ads since 2019 for several types of clients with all types of budgets. Some of those clients are getting 13, 16, even 19x return on ad spend. If you’re ready to spend money on Pinterest ads, you know what product you’d like to promote, we’re ready for you. And now is the time since Q4 can pack the best results for your ad spend. Hop on a call with our team to see if your business qualifies for management. We’re here to help you determine the best fit for service and help you stay one step ahead of the competition. Click the lin