The Smart Passive Income Online Business And Blogging Podcast

SPI 512: Planning for the Future and Finding the Right Help



#512 This past week I interviewed Joe Sanok from Practice of the Practice, who is the author of a new book called Thursday is the New Friday. My chat with Joe really got me thinking, "Who created the five-day week anyway, and why is it like that?" I think we've all been burnt out by working five days a week, and feeling like the weekend isn't quite long enough. What if we had an extra day? How cool would that be? Now, today's episode is actually going to take a bit of a different angle! But it's one that was sparked by the episode with Joe. That's because in thinking about a four-day workweek, I started to wonder: “Okay, four days a week. I could spend the other three days fishing on a boat with my kids, my family, building memories that will last forever. What would it take to make that happen?" So that's what I want to talk about today: how to start making your goals and dreams of the next phase (or next-next phase) of your life a little more possible. Maybe like me your dream is owning a boat, or having a