Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Healthy Reflection vs. Rumination



What’s the difference between reflection and rumination? Healthy self-reflection can turn into rumination if you’re not careful, and while self-reflection can be a really productive and helpful tool, rumination tends to be the opposite. In this episode, we’re taking a deeper dive into the differences between reflection and rumination and the characteristics of each. You’ll learn how to identify rumination quickly and move past it into a healthier mental space. We’ll talk about why rumination is not helpful and self-reflection is and how to cut back on time spent ruminating to make more time for healthy reflection. Topics covered in this episode include:The difference between healthy reflection and rumination How to identify rumination Two ways to encourage healthy self-reflectionFour steps to move past rumination If you often find yourself ruminating on something you said or did a long time ago, or on feedback that you beat yourself up over, you will benefit from the tools in this episode. All show notes are