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How to Create an Online Course that POPs 09-21-2023



How to Create an Online Course that POPs Whether you are a fiction or nonfiction author, it’s time to learn an insider’s tips on how to create an online learning course that delivers innovative, creative, and fun ways to engage participants to support your wisdom and expertise. Keith Newhouse has over 15 years of experience designing online courses and training. He works with authors to reach and engage with their audiences using online courses to supplement their books. Check out his website at Your takeaways to create an Online Course that Soars includes: -Why should your supplement your book with an online course. -What the basic building blocks of an online course are. -What tools are needed to create an online course. -Keith’s favorite tools to use—many are free. -Tips and tricks creating an online course. You will come away with what you NEED to know; what you SHOULD know; and what would be NICE to know. Join in ... you will learn a lot and have fun, too! If you don’t wan