Where Did The Road Go?

Wandering the Road with Wren and Barbara - Sept 16, 2023



Seriah is joined by Barbara Fisher and Wren Collier for some fascinating discussion. Topics include liminality, empty shopping malls, the UAP disclosure movement, the Grusch hearings, Peter Levenda, the “Aviary”, the Collins Elite, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis vs aliens as spirits, fundamentalist Christian eschatology, Dominionism, the danger of future religious persecution, the book “Final Events” by Nick Redfern, Reverend Ray Boeche, USAF Captain Robert Collins, Dan T. Smith AKA “Chicken Little”, Los Alamos, U.S. government remote viewing programs, indoctrination of the military, Christian nationalism, Robert Manners, Project Blue Beam, mass deception, end-time prophecies and the return of Christ, Whitley Strieber and the Djinn, John Keel as demonologist, personal experiences with the occult, the Michael Douglas film “Falling Down”, psy research and weather, Michael “Doc Future” Bennett, ritual magic experiments by the CIA, Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Kenneth Grant, the Trinity atomic bomb test, James