Mindrolling With Raghu Markus

Ep. 511 – Returning to Indigenous Wisdom with Daniele Bolelli



Bringing indigenous wisdom into modernity, Italian writer Danielle Bolelli joins Raghu to talk about quality and restoring balance with the natural world.“We need that wisdom, indigenous wisdom. We need to bring back something that we have lost from our move into the industrialized last couple of centuries.” – Raghu MarkusThis time on Mindrolling, Raghu Markus and Daniele Bolelli converse about:Wisdom from Native American eldersThe balance with natureMoney and power strugglesCapitalism, Marketing, and what makes something successfulThe constant urge for more versus usefulness of resourcesWhat gives something qualityThe history of Crazy Horse, an extremely spiritual Lakota warriorAnswering to hopelessnessContentment and small disciplineThe promise of potential and handling sufferingLinks & Recommendations From this Episode:Raghu and Danielle discuss quality through the lens of Zen and The Art of Motorcycle MaintenanceDanielle suggests checking out the show Reservation Dogs to get a glim