Gcf Austin

Dreams & Visions



Life Group Questions1.     Has God ever spoken to you through a dream or a vision? Tell the story. How did you know it was Him? 2.     Pastor Ryan said, “We need to hunger for & earnestly desire to hear God’s voice.” On a scale from 1-10, how hungry are you to hear God’s voice? 3.     In Acts 16:9-10, God calls an audible in the middle of Paul & Luke’s missionary journey through a vision given to Paul during the night. This led to them changing their plans and heading to Macedonia. Are you ready & open to God calling an audible in your life? Share a time in your life (past or current) when you recognized God calling an audible. How did you respond? 4.     When Jesus needed personal ministry, He secluded himself for quiet time with the Lord. When he was around people, he ministered to them by doing what he saw and heard God do. This is the example for us to follow. When we need personal ministry, we need to have quiet time with the Lord. When we are around others, we should seek to see what God is doing and he