Vidya By Pia & Bart

47. Stability



When we think about the words "stability" or "grounding," it conjures up feelings of calmness, peace, relaxation, and overall well-being. It's akin to maintaining a solid foundation that keeps us safe from harm. Conversely, an excess of stability or grounding can lead to sluggishness, weight gain, and inflexibility. For us, the concept of grounding extends beyond the physical realm. It's about finding our inner core, a point of navigation, and using it as a base from which we can explore and grow, both personally and physically. Just as we ensure stability before doing a squat in the gym, we see the importance of grounding in life. It's like having a safe haven to return to after adventures or experiences, a place where we can do simple, stabilizing activities like tidying our homes or indulging in comfort foods. Grounding provides a sense of balance amidst life's changes, allowing us to venture out while always knowing where we can come back to.