Simple Pin Podcast: Simple Ways To Boost Your Business Using Pinterest

353 Highlights from 2023 Pinterest Presents



Pinterest Presents was held on September 13, 2023 and it was fabulous! So many great takeaways and hints about where Pinterest is going and how it folds into our current online climate. Here’s a recap in case you missed it. You can also still find it online, just click below in your podcast app for the link.It is time to get yourself in gear for Q4 and 2024 by setting up your Pinterest marketing to be the best it can be for you. I believe Pinterest is the most under-rated social media platform out there. It’s commonly overlooked for Instagram or another platform that makes people feel good. But what we know here at Simple Pin Media is that once your strategy is dialed in on the organic or ads side, the snowball grows and grows for years to come making this sleepy search and discovery platform one of the most powerful tools in your business. Their Q2 results came in and Pinterest has grown to 468 million users and is gaining steam every single day. Which means there are more and more people searching for your