Influence Ecology

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. with Dawn Spiller, Jenn Oliver, Carolyn Saint, Ellen Beverly, and Olga Kipnis at the University of Virginia



At the University of Virginia School of Medicine, I interviewed a group of women about the impact of our programs. I spoke with Ellen Beverly, Dawn Spiller, Olga Kipnis, Carolyn Saint, and Jenn Oliver about how the framework of Transactional Competence has helped them in their roles within the university. What might you wonder is the most surprising outcome? An environment of respect for different roles and personalities. While they each experienced more effectiveness and influence, the ability to understand Personality and Transactional Behavior™ has produced a culture of respect for the both the simple day to day transactions but also for the larger transactions that support the aims of the enterprise. You can hear how Transactional Competence™ provides a framework where each individual can understand their own and other’s role in the transactions we all serve. I apologize in advance that some of the audio quality may be difficult – but stick with it, as there are many great lessons here.