Canary Cry News Talk

CCR 163: ESCAPE BABYLON with Sam Swanson of Slave Two Servant



Note: We do say episode 162 during the episode. The confusion is Gonz’ fault. He’s getting old and grumpy. Babylon is everywhere. It is not a mere physical location of historical significance and its civilizations, cultures and people groups throughout history. It is a spiritual kingdom whose entities have lived on through adapting into various cultures across time. Escaping it would mean to move away from its influence whether one lives in 33 AD or 2023 America. It would mean to identify with the one kingdom that stands for truth, light, and love; the Kingdom of Heaven. The transcendent nature of the Kingdom of Heaven not only helps us understand the nature of intelligent evil, but can help us navigate through life’s most challenging moments as we come face to face with them in the valley.   But how might one express such a notions that communicates the intricacies and invites others to investigate such large topics?  Psalm 150:3-6 3Praise Him with trumpet sound;          Praise Him with harp and lyre. 4Prai