Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

546: Seven Sure-Fire Ways To Grow Your Construction Business



This Podcast Is Episode 546, And It's About Seven Sure-Fire Ways To Grow Your Construction Business   Once your construction business is up and running, it’s essential not to rest on your laurels. Successful business owners always look for ways to grow and maximize their profits. We’ve compiled a guide and checklist to help you identify ways to get the most out of your contracting company.   1. Grow your sales   Contact your best clients.   One of the easiest ways to increase sales is to sell more to your existing clients. For example, you could try contacting every customer and offering a complementary product or service they might need now. You could also determine when clients need maintenance checks.   Create a client loyalty scheme.   You’re looking to create a customer care program using customer contact software and implementing a customer loyalty scheme.   Commence a contact nurturing program.   Can you make more effective use of your database of customers and clients by maintaining regular contact