Bulletproof Radio

Kids vs. Big Food: Food Babe’s Playbook for Healthy Choices - Vani Hari : 1099



Friends, it is my great pleasure to introduce Vani Hari, aka Food Babe, someone I've had the privilege of knowing for nearly a decade. She is a relentless advocate for clean, safe, and wholesome food. She has dedicated herself to a tireless campaign aimed at eliminating harmful ingredients from our food supply, particularly in the United States, where food standards can sometimes be shockingly low. Her efforts have been resolute in challenging major food corporations when their practices are detrimental to the well-being of our children and society as a whole. Vani Hari's mission is driven by a genuine concern for the greater good, and I dare say that she has had a more significant impact on food safety and quality than some of the regulatory agencies tasked with these responsibilities in the first place. Vani’s new book, Food Baby Family: More Than 100 Recipes and Foolproof Strategies to Help Your Kids Fall in Love with Real Food serves as a comprehensive guide for how her family navigates the chal