
Three ways to keep track of if you get responses to emails you have sent



Have you sent an email, expecting a response and then been met by silence? I definitely have.  This week’s episode of Done! is about how to make sure you get the responses you need. Do you have any other way of tracking if you get replies to emails you have sent? Write to me and let me know. You don't have to flag the email you sent to me, put it in a particular folder or create a to-do task for it - I will reply. I promise. You should strive for having only one to-do list, but if you have two, that might be OK too  - if... These episodes are also available as a weekly newsletter to your email. If you rather read than listen (or both!), sign up for a free subscription. David Stiernholm is a ”struktör”. He helps people and companies become more efficient and productive by creating better structure. His motto is: everything can be done easier! David is frequently hired as a speaker by all kinds of businesses ranging from well-established major corporations to entrepreneurial companies in hyper growth. He ex