Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Book Marketing Forward, Part 1 10-26-2023



It’s the giant book-selling season and let’s brainstorm strategies and tips to get your books into the hands of the readers who want them … and need them. Joining the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is Brian Jud, author of How to Make REAL Money Selling Books. There was so much information, I invited Brian back for Part II next week. We will start with: -Why and how to define target buyers. -Why create products available only on your website. -Why a special gift edition for corporations and associations makes author sense. -Why niche bookstores make sense to connect with. -What not do to in the final quarter of the year. -Why you should put out a quick Holiday newsletter. -Why and how to use the NCAA "bracketology" strategy to test what works and what doesn’t.