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AP 541: REGULATION 101: What Your Nervous System Has To Do With Your Emotions (AKA: Information that Literally Changed my Life)



Even if you never had the exact word to describe it, I am sure you have found yourself overwhelmed, overstimulated, or overreactive, and ultimately you were dysregulated. Being in a regulated state allows us to respond to situations with calm and intention, while dysregulation can lead to reactive behavior. My guest, emotional development expert and author Alyssa Blask Campbell, explains that regulation involves the ability to cycle through different states in our nervous system with ease, how our nervous system reacts to different stimuli, and how we can use tools like deep breathing to regulate it. Alyssa also introduces the concept of sensory systems and how being aware of what drains or recharges our nervous system can be a powerful tool for self-regulation. And she emphasizes that emotions are not inherently bad, and that it's crucial to acknowledge and validate all emotions. Tune in to this eye-opening interview to learn more about yourself, as well as a simple practice that can serve as a starting poin