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Unlocking Human Potential in Organizations with Mark Vandeneijnde



As humans, we have an immense potential within us waiting to be unlocked. However, often we find ourselves stuck in a fixed way of being, limiting our growth and potential. It's time to break free from this mindset and embrace curiosity as a way of life. Mark Vandeneijnde’s keen sense of insight and market understanding was the source of many breakthrough initiatives during his 10-year corporate career with a large FMCG company. As co-founder of BEING at Full Potential, he now uses these same skills to help access the incredible potential that lies within individuals and their organizations. He is the co-architect of the HUMAN POTENTIAL Assessment Tool and an adventurous filmmaker in the area of Business Transformation. Let’s join Mark in this episode as we explore n innovative and powerful tool that can help individuals unlock their full potential. This tool is designed to probe and challenge individuals in a way that leads to self-discovery and ultimately, solutions. “What I discovered is that it's not what