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Leading Successfully by Maximizing Curiosity and Self-leadership by Craig Dowden



Achieving optimal results for ourselves and the organization requires engaging in authentic conversations. This involves listening that is not driven by fear, but by maximizing curiosity. And listening by curiosity motivates change, especially when it comes to receiving and processing feedback.   Best-selling author, executive coach, and keynote speaker Dr. Craig Dowden is bridging the gap between what science knows and what leaders do. In his work, he integrates evidence-based principles from the fields of positive psychology with those in leadership and organizational excellence.   In this episode, Craig discusses how authentic conversations can take place to achieve success in business. And how great leadership starts with self-leadership. While listening with curiosity, not only does this help us to understand people's inner worlds, we also learn so much about ourselves. He also shares powerful tips on receiving and processing feedback. "It's more vital than ever before to create space for listening. It