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#Self-Listening as a Powerful Tool to Help You Get #Unstuck and Keep Going with Robbie Swale



How can listening to yourself be an ultimate superpower to live the life you want? Robbie Swale is a leadership coach, author, and podcaster, whose work focuses on creativity, coaching, and leading with honor. His time is split between his coaching business, writing, and various associate work. He supports coaches to grow their businesses and impact and thrive as people, via a community for coaches and a podcast. An ability to see things differently, understand different perspectives and see the truth in the world without the fear to do or say the right thing is the reason why coaches choose to collaborate with him.   In this episode, Robbie shares his journey on how he developed the 12-minute method while discovering how listening can be used as a superpower when it comes to truly live the life we really want. He also shares about the struggles and resistance he has overcome to be able to make an impact through his writing and how this helps him fuel his creative impulses.    Robbie also emphasizes the impor