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The #Listening #Coach unlocking #potential towards growth and fulfillment by Jane Adshead Grant



As we live in a world where there are lots of distractions, be that from modern technology or from people constantly telling us what to do, we often forget that as humans, we yearn to be noticed and heard too. Just as how important it is for us to listen to others, we also shouldn’t forget the value of listening to ourselves first.   Without fully understanding who we are and what we’d want to become, how can we even help others to feel like they’re safe and heard? Without listening to what our inner self has to say first, how can we even expect ourselves to hear voices of this world?   Lending your ears, your heart, and your soul as you listen to people will impact that person’s life forever. Nevertheless, remember that you also have a soul that’s asking to be cared for.   Author and speaker Jane Adshead Grant has more than 30 years’ experience as an HR practitioner and a professionally trained and accredited executive coach and facilitator within Professional and Financial Services.  Jane works with senior