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'Listening 2by2: A Paradigm Shift for Leaders' 



Leadership can get lonely. And when under pressure, it's often hard to be vulnerable in front of your team members. It can feel like the weight of decision-making and responsibility falls all on you.  What if there were another way.  One that could create a transformative culture where everyone is heard and valued, giving rise to enthusiasm and engagement, growing a better and stronger organization. Authors Michael Gingerich and Tom Kaden co-lead the organization Someone To Tell It To, whose mission is to cultivate meaningful relationships through compassionate listening and training others to do the same. They have recently launched their new book, Listening 2by2: A Paradigm Shift for Leaders', showing how listening to stories is a powerful tool In this episode, Tom and Michael share how they strive every day, either at home or in the workplace, to listen with intention. They also talk about their book and the story of a CEO’s leadership journey, where they paint a culture of listening as a paradigm shift th