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Activating the Value of #Belonging at Work Through #Listening with Sarah Judd Welch



  What does listening have to do with belonging? There is currently a lot of buzz around the cost to organizations when employees do not feel belonging. Yet it’s not just buzz. There is more and more research showing that when employees feel like they belong, organizations can reap bottom-line benefits.  In this episode, Sarah describes how listening is the practice of showing people that they belong, and is a key capacity needed to activate the value-creating all the buzz. She talks about the importance of recognizing that while it is the employers’ responsibility to shape belonging experiences, work cannot be the only focus. A leader can also foster a sense of belonging when they support individuals in their team discover belonging and identity outside of work. For example, having time and resources to spend time with friends, taking a class, joining a club or volunteering.  Sarah Judd Welch is the Principal & CEO of Sharehold, an innovation consultancy that designs and fosters belonging with