Art Of Consulting Podcast

91 l Which Side of the Transaction Causes Scarcity



In this episode, Cat and Andy explain different aspects of scarcity and helps us identify how one area of scarcity can work for your advantage. Most of us are more aware of the traditional aspect of it but there another side of the coin that would present us as a valuable resource that the clients will prefer above the others.   Do you want to know why and how scarcity can positively work for you? Tune in now and be the consultant and stands out amidst mediocrity.   Quotes:   “Be Aware Of What You’re Feeding Your Mind.”   “You Are Creating Your World.”   “The Quality Of The Question Is Very Indicative Of The Response.”   “The Worst Thing That You Can Possibly Do Is Commoditize Yourself As A Consultant.”   “People Want To Hire People And Work People That Are Similar To Them.”   “If You Want To Have What You Want In Your Life, You Need To Actually Define It.” Show Notes:   (00:00) Podcast Intro (00:26) The Traditional Thought Around Scarcity (04:11) Watch What You’re Feeding Your Mind (05:34) The Concept Of M