Body Kindness

#180 - The Switch Witch with Bernie Salazar



Reunion alert! Bernie and I are back with our first podcast in a minute. We actually recorded this October 20, 2022... but evidently the Switch B* (err... I mean...) The Switch Witch is still around... and we have thoughts. My kids (then 8 and 9 years old) came to me and asked "Mom, do we believe in the switch witch?" I responded, "Never heard of her." They said, "Good, because she takes away your candy and that's just MEAN!." After some assurance from me, the girls decided to make a "Go Away" sign and put it over their Halloween buckets. Bernie has his own story to share about discovering the book and what to make of it for his young kids. If you know Bernie at all, you know he has a looooooooong history of being harmed by diet culture. He's trying to break the chain as a father and protect his kids. Based on our values and viewpoints, you probably can guess what we think of this... here's what you need to know: Switch Witch is for PROFIT... selling this idea that the "switch witch" is your friend who plays