Father And Joe

Father and Joe 337: Discovering the True Essence of God: Why Building a Relationship is Worth It



Welcome to another enlightening episode of Father and Joe, where Joe Rocky engages in a heartfelt conversation with Father Bond of the six. In this episode, we delve into a thought-provoking exploration of God's essence, the image we hold in our minds, and why building a profound relationship with God is a journey worth embarking on.Have you ever listened to a conversation multiple times because it felt so rich with content, you knew there was more to absorb? Joe describes this experience as akin to savoring a delicious, rich cake in smaller bites. The conversation revolves around understanding who God truly is, questioning our perception of Him, and the challenge of transitioning this understanding from the head to the heart.Father Bond beautifully conveys the idea that our innermost desires are intimately connected with our relationship with God. When our perception of God is inaccurate, it can be stifling, like an overbearing parent. Joe points out that investing in such a relationship might seem futi