Ask Noah Show

Episode 361: Ask Noah Show 361



This week we talk about some home assistant updates, the ability to stick markdown docs together, and as always your questions and feedback! -- During The Show -- Intro Noah's LFNW experience NextCloud Fedora on Macs Voice on Home Assistant Talk Home Assistant Voice on Home Assistant Talk Selfhosted 108 ( YouTube ( Home Assistant Blog ( Zigbee adventures Z-Wave, ESP32, Shelly Fireplace Chicken Coop 18:18 PiKVM vs iDrac - Chris iDrac lots of options weird things PiKVM one and done consistent iLO 21:47 I3 vs Sway - Josh I3 was in the installer Not opposed to Sway YMMV PKCS11 provider 25:14 IP Camera Help? - William Used Axis Camera ( PDF Doc ( rtsp://admin:12345@IP:Port/Streaming/Channels/ID/?transportmode=multicast Frigate (https://f