Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

549: Construction Company Budget Vs. Cash Flow



This Podcast Is Episode 549, And It's About Construction Company Budget Vs. Cash Flow Finding some certainty can make all the difference in the unpredictable construction business world. While the future remains a mystery, budgeting and cash flow forecasting tools can significantly reduce uncertainty, allowing you to anticipate challenges, learn from past events, and enhance your ability to navigate your business. Budget vs. Cash Flow: The Crucial Distinction A common misconception is that a budget and cash flow are interchangeable. A budget is a projection of future possibilities, enabling you to consider various sales and expense scenarios. On the other hand, a cash flow provides a record of actual expenses and sales revenue that flow into and out of your business each month. Although they often deal with the same data, their applications differ. Budget and cash flow are both essential concepts in construction management. However, they serve different purposes and are used in different ways. A budget is a