Future Fossils

75 - David Krakauer (Thinking Interplanetary with The Santa Fe Institute)



This episode’s guest is David Krakauer, President of the Santa Fe Institute – the world’s pre-eminent research center for complexity science. We discuss SFI’s new Interplanetary Project and how they are weaving scientists, engineers, science fiction authors, concept artists, and musicians together into a new collaborative storytelling and visioning project about how we can sustainably scale human civilization beyond Earth – and help spark a renaissance of Big Picture thinking and Big Problem solving worthy of our species in this century.About SFI and the Interplanetary Project:https://santafe.edu/research/initiatives/interplanetary-projectAbout the Interplanetary Fest:https://interplanetaryfest.org/lineupCool local news coverage about David & The Interplanetary Project:https://www.sfreporter.com/news/coverstories/2017/07/11/out-of-this-world/“Part of my job, and SFI’s job, is to not allow people to imagine that they’re living in isolation – IN ANY SENSE. Right? Socially, intellectually, economically, tech