Future Fossils

23 - "Our Psychedelic Future" at the Australian Psychedelic Society



We’re switching it up this week to present my recent talk on psychedelic futurism at the first weekly meeting of the Australian Psychedelic Society (Fitzroy Beer Garden, Melbourne, Victoria).The Chinese have a curse: “May you live in interesting times.” The Irish have a toast: “May you be alive at the end of the world” I’m more Irish than Chinese, and I know this because even though we’re living through total chaos these days, that means unprecedented opportunity for wonder, creativity, discovery, and growth. - How to enjoy life in an age of mass extinction and the imminent transformation of the human species through genetic engineering- CRISPR and evolution “in real time,” within the lifespan of “individual” organisms- The self as a multitude of distinct neural “motifs” and how each of us is a village (or a bouquet)- Living through “a trans-technological, trans-nature” renaissance- The sharing economy, nonmonogamy, global citizenship, access vs. ownership as symptoms of a global transition to more freely exc