Future Fossils

18 - JF Martel (Art, Magic, & The Terrifying Zone of Uncanny Awesomeness)



This week's guest is the loquacious, thoughtful, and profound JF Martel, film-maker and author of Reclaiming Art in the Age of Artifice and the three-part essay Reality is Analog, about the philosophical themes lurking behind Netflix's series Stranger Things.http://reclaimingart.com https://www.metapsychosis.com/reality-is-analog-philosophizing-with-stranger-things-part-one/We discuss what can and cannot be captured and communicated digitally…The Primordial, Deep, Subrational Forms of Poetry, Madness, Excess…“Ultimately, art does have a function: it’s to help us better navigate the infinite chaos that is reality.”The problem of overusing or misusing Occam’s Razor“We understand the nature of reality the moment we admit that we don’t know it…the moment we admit we CAN’T know it.”“Every concept kind of contains its own opposite, or casts its own shadow.”The difference between a Sign and a SymbolFaith or Rebellion? (Patriotism or Treason?)Azazel the Peacock Angel vs. Lucifer the Rebel AngelIs there an ultimate re