Future Fossils

15 - Trevor Goodman (Body Hacking & Sensory Augmentation)



This week, we take an hour to explore the frontiers of the human experience with Trevor Goodman of the Body Hacking Conference in Austin, Texas.https://bodyhackingcon.com/conferenceHere’s a bit about the conference from NPR: http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/03/10/468556420/body-hacking-movement-rises-ahead-of-moral-answers • Cybernetics, prosthetics, nootropics, body modification, bionics…• The origins and history of “body hacking.”• Body modification as an answer/solution to body dysmorphia (feeling out of place “in your own skin”).“Frankly, we have no clue how things are going to be in ten or twenty years. Twenty years ago we weren’t carrying our memories around in our pockets like we are now.”• How modern transhumanism is just an extension of the ancient human project that includes clothing, fire, and other technological augmentations.• How the freedom of the body is also the freedom of the mind.• Ethical issues of body modification as personal expression and identity and interactions wit