Rocky Mountain Christian Church

High Stakes: Generosity | November 12, 2023 - Shan Moyers



We confront the high stakes of faith in a changing world. With 4,500 churches closing and 3,000 opening, 250 pastors leaving monthly, and a rising population claiming no religious affiliation, the urgency is clear. While our church is making an impact with over 200 baptisms, 1,000 growing in small groups, and various community partnerships, one crucial area needs attention: generosity. Despite financial stability, our giving hasn't increased in a decade. This stagnation threatens our ability to fund critical ministries in an inflation-hit landscape. Referencing Mark 12, we dissect the meaning of generosity, exploring four types of givers and emphasizing the significance of sacrificial giving. Are you sporadic, safe, generous, or radical in your giving? The call is clear: shift giving from a financial to a faith issue, maintain consistency, and trust in God's mission. The potential impact is enormous—doubling our budget for a $5M boost to reach more lives. Join us in redefining generosity, changing liv