Father And Joe

Father and Joe E339: Growing in Faith: The Childlike Dependence on God



Welcome to another insightful episode of Father and Joe! In this episode, Joe Rocky and Father Bond of 6 delve into a deep discussion about a challenging biblical teaching: living with childlike dependence upon God. Joe shares a powerful analogy from his own life as a parent, highlighting the stages of his son's trust in him, which mirrors the development of faith. They discuss the concept of trust, growth, and the unique nature of every individual's relationship with God.This conversation offers a fresh perspective on faith, emphasizing that our faith journey is personal and ever-evolving. They also touch on the importance of embracing change and resisting the temptation to compare one's faith journey with others. Parenthood serves as a vivid illustration of the growth in trust, along with the beauty of faith in the context of relationships.Join Father and Joe as they explore the wonderful connection between human relationships and spiritual growth. If you've ever struggled with understan