

Welcome to a new season of STC! Today’s conversation is different from the typical STC session, as it was inspired by a thread created in the STC community about healthcare providers dismissing legitimate medical concerns. This situation is one that you might encounter personally or with your clients, so I hope you’ll find our conversation helpful and informative. Join us!Our Featured GuestDanielle Hughes, MA, LPCDanielle Hughes is in private practice in Loveland, CO. Danielle shared her perspective in the STC community as someone with a chronic illness who struggled for 12 years to get a proper diagnosis. She interacted with several healthcare providers who didn’t believe that her physical issues could be attributed to anything other than stress and trauma.It’s been quite a journey for Danielle, who was just recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that truly affects her energy levels on a daily basis. In today’s session, Danielle shares her story and the challenges she has overcomewith the fortitude to