The Anime Limited Podcast

3rd April 2020 - Megalo Box Special



Jeremy Graves and Andy Hanley are back with fellow Team All The Anime colleague, Keith Copping to bring you an episode specifically on the series, Megalo Box in the latest of our watch-a-long discussion episodes - the first one being our Cardcaptor Sakura episode from last week. Today we discuss our experiences of watching the first three episodes of the series commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the franchise Ashita no Joe (aka Tomorrow’s Joe). Following on from the primer that Dr. Jonathan Clements about the franchise on Wednesday (listen to that HERE), we gather to talk about the first three episodes and our impressions of what we watched, our prior experience with the series and a little background on the series too! Plus Jeremy has prepared another surprise for Andy and Keith before the show concludes - you can probably guess what it is if you listened to the Cardcaptor Sakura episode. A fun show to wrap up the week! Join in the fun and watch the first three episode dubbed on All4 and subtitled on C