The Anime Limited Podcast

All The Anime Podcast - 4th October 2019



[Recorded on 4th October 2019] Join Jeremy Graves and Andy Hanley as they take through some recent news relating AllTheAnime for just over 30 minutes of light hearted anime based discussion. There's talk on Weathering With You coming to UK cinemas in early 2020, details on the Scotland Loves Anime Film Festival that begins in one week! Plus we rundown some of our upcoming releases including our first vinyl soundtrack releases, FLCL and A Silent Voice, along with the likes of Attack on Titan: Roar of Awakening, Silver Spoon Season 2, Gundam 00 and Jin-Roh! There's even some time to mention a few shows we're looking forward to this coming anime season - which we'll no doubt talk about more once the first episodes have aired. A quick catchup to conclude the week. Have a nice weekend~! ----- Time Codes for this podcast 00:50 - Weathering With You coming to UK cinemas, and Scotland Loves Anime talk 03:31 - AllTheAnime Music, FLCL and A Silent Voice vinyl release discussion 10:20 - A rundown of upcoming release