The Anime Limited Podcast

All The Anime Podcast #51 - Scotland Loves Anime 2018 Judges Award Deliberations Special



[Recorded on 21st October 2017] ~ Scotland Loves Anime 2018 Special ~ It's been a while since our last podcast - which will be returning in November, so keep you eyes out for that - but with it being the month of October it means that the Scotland Loves Anime Film Festival has returned to showcase some of the latest anime films on the big screen! As has become tradition, this special episode is dedicated to the Judges Award category of the festival, as Jeremy Graves and Andy Hanley welcome the Chairman of the Jury, Jonathan Clements back to the show to help guide discussion with three of the four judges from the festival this year: -Kim Morrissy (Translator, Tokyo Correspondent for Anime News Network) -Callum May (Runs The Canipa Effect on YouTube, writer for various publications including Crunchyroll, Anime News Network and Otaquest.) -Roxy Simons (Journalist and film critic specialising in Japanese and Korean culture, Showbiz reporter for Mail Online.) The purpose of this podcast is give you an insight